Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Guest Post "Summary of Sunday's Sermon"

Nothing brings joy to a pastor like someone benefiting from the preached word. The following is a guess post from a beloved member of Peace Chapel, Pam Kimbrough.

Pam K (as I call her) is an amazing testimony of the Sovereignty and Providence of God. The Lord has brought her through a severe bout with depression and she is living a life of victory even after having a massive stroke. Although the stroke has left damage to Pam's body, I don't know of a more active Christian on the planet. She keeps me up to date with members who are sick or experiencing grief. She sends letters of encouragement and Bible tracts to those in prison. There are not many who have come in contact with Peace Chapel that has not benefited from her ministry. I thank God for this dear sister, who is not only a blessing to Peace Chapel, but a blessing to the Body of Christ.

Here is her summary of this past Sunday's message:

PC Sunday Summary/Notes11.2.08~Evaluating Wisdom~
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, I am so fortunate to have you as my brothers and sisters in Christ. It is such a blessing to know that we will all live, in eternity with our Heavenly Father. Praise the Lord.

We had a blessed day at PC, and I hope your day was the same.

This Sunday, November 02, 2008, Pastor Fitts spoke on wisdom, and the topic was Evaluating Wisdom. The Scripture was taken from James 3:13-18.

James mentions two types of wisdom; worldly wisdom, and Godly wisdom.

James starts with a question regarding wisdom in verse 13, “Who is wise and understanding among you?” then he says, “Let him show it by his good life, by deeds done in the humility that comes from wisdom.”

Pastor challenged us to bring our wisdom to the light of God's word for examination.
The way we live denotes whether we have worldly wisdom, or Godly wisdom.

Regarding worldly wisdom, James says, in verses 14 through 16, “…if you harbor bitter envy and selfish ambition in your hearts, do not boast about it or deny the truth. Such “wisdom” does not come down from heaven but is earthly, unspiritual, of the devil. For where you have envy and selfish ambition, there you find disorder and every evil practice.”

Let us not boast that we have Godly wisdom, and yet act with worldly wisdom.If we harbor bitter envy and selfish ambition in our hearts, or practice evil, this wisdom comes from Satan. Let’s check ourselves. If we have any of these tendencies, we should ask God for true godly wisdom.

In James 4:17-18, he speaks of Godly wisdom. Scripture says, “But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere.”

The last verse, in James 3:18, says, “Peacemakers who sow in peace raise a harvest of righteousness.”
So keep in mind Galatians 6:7, “…A man reaps what he sows.”

So, if you’re wondering whether you have worldly wisdom, or Godly wisdom, ask yourself, “Do I harbor bitter envy, or selfish ambition in my heart, or am I a person who is peace-loving, considerate, and submissive to God’s will?” There is hope for all of God's children.

Pastor gave us three ingredients needed in the recipe for Godly wisdom.
1. Ask God for it (James 1:5)2. Look to Christ (1 cor 1:24 & 30; Col 2:3)3. Obedience God's word (Psalm 119:98-99)

Here are four things I picked up from the message:
1. We should be considerate (Putting others first)
2. We should be submissive
3. We should seek God’s will
4. We should have mercy on others.

This is Godly wisdom.

Check yourself.
Have a God week.
Luv u much,
Pam K


BAW Sr. said...

Pastor I know it is was rewarding to get this feed back from someone who witnessed God use you.I know Peace Chapel is blessed to have a Pastor who "cut it straight".I am sorry I could not help it.
Keep up the good work.


Reginald C. Payne said...

Sounded like a good day, good work and an assest in Pam, I know you would love to have 50 more members just like her (LOL) me to. Fitts keep Cutting it straight.

Edie said...

Amen, Amen, and Amen!

I know God is still working on me in some of these areas but He promises to complete the work.

Your blog is refreshing. Light everywhere I look. :D

Shanita Waters said...

Hi Pastor! I'm so happy to have found my way to your blog. i enjoyed the notes from your sermon and am enjoying your blog.

I'm going to read over all of the scriptures you left for us. It sounds like an awesome lesson.



From the Heart said...

Thanks for visiting my blog and your kind words. I would be happy for your wife to visit. Tell her to be sure and introduce herself through the Comments.

You and your wife might be interested in reading my post on Reach Out and Touch. It tells a little about my life and how God has brought me to where I am now.

I enjoyed reading your post as well.
Be blessed,