Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Social Conservatives Trapped in a Liberal Party

If you were to survey African American Christians, you would discover that most are Social Conservatives. Wiktionary define a social conservative as; “One who favors social policies based on a particular reading of Judeo-Christian values, generally in favor of public prayer and the right to own guns, and opposed to abortion rights, same-sex marriage and the teaching of evolution in public schools”.

My question is why are people who are social conservatives so loyal to a party that is so opposed to social conservative values?

The Democratic Party is the home of the ACLU (a organization that attacks everything Christian). The Democratic Party is the home of Americans United For Separation of Church and State. The Democratic Party is the home of feminism. The Democratic Party is the home of the homosexual movement. The Democratic Party is the home of Planned Parenthood (a organization that uses the murder of babies as a means of birth control). The Democratic Party is the home of the Pornography industry.

With that being said, why would any Christian remain loyal to a party that is defined by what is so opposed to what we value?

Can we, who are representatives of the Kingdom of God, go to the voting booth and in good conscience cast a vote for someone who’s values are so radically different from the values of the Kingdom of God?

Somebody please straighten me out… I just don’t get it.


Keith D. Witherspoon said...

Can we also vote for a candidate whose party preaches the principles, but practices everything contrary to what they preach?

The GOP party is the home of racism, classism, sectarianism, economic red-lining and anything else that keeps people that don't fit the "American Standard" isolated from what they have called the "American Dream"!

Abraham Lincoln, who was a Republican was forced into glory by freeing the slaves, and the GOP party since that day has done everything to try and re-enslave people.

As an example of this, Ronald Reagan was an avid supporter of Apartheid.

The GOP party is against homosexuality, but the current Vice President has an admitted lesbian daughter, whom he has not denounced. They are against pre marital sex, but the current VP candidate has an unmarried teenage daughter who is pregnant.

We are not voting to make Jesus Christ the next President of the United States. We are voting for the President of a Democratic Republic that gives people the right to be free. It is because of this Democratic Republic that we are free to worship and vote the way that we choose.

Anonymous said...

Keep them(us)thinking Pastor.

We know we're coming full circle with God when we stand at a very similar crossroad where we made such a mess of life before, but this time we take a different road!
Taken from Believing God Beth Moore

Thank You for causing me to come to my senses and escape from the trap of the devil, who had taken me captive to do his will.
(2Tim. 2:26)

God Bless you!

Keith D. Witherspoon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

I'm sorry Kieth D. Witherspoon
Stop playing the blame game the past is just that the past but a future with God is change.
God is judging The United States of America and with thinking like that God help us.
We can only look at us as individuals for the real blame and only then can we be helped. I am a sinner and with out Jesus I can never be forgiving.
In what way can a satisfied believer display God's splendor in a way that no other can?
The Lord is the stronghold of my life-of whom shall I be afraid?
(Psalm 27:1)

Fitts said...

San Francisco, CA – A public charter school in San Francisco took its first-graders on an unusual field trip Friday - to a lesbian wedding at City Hall.

The first-graders, from Creative Arts Charter School, watched as their teacher, Erin Carder, married her partner Kerri McCoy, in a ceremony officiated by San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom. The children were given rose petals to scatter and bubbles to blow in celebration. Some also wore "No on 8" political buttons. The school's interim director stood by her decision to allow the field trip, calling the lesbian wedding a "teachable moment" which she did not consider controversial.

I can not support a party that wants to take our country in this direction.

Vietta P's two cents worth said...

I am a Democrate and I am voting as a democrate. Because our candidate is the best choice we have for our present situation.
NO MORE WAR! I think I raised some pretty remarkable children. They all are christians and have unique gifts, ministries and passions that has nothing to do with the individual parties. They all think differently although they were raised under the same influences by the same biological parents. The responsibility and future of our country and world lay in the hands of our parent's guidance. Even after raising them with the values you pocess and teach, they will still grow to have their own ideals and values.

I agree 100% with Doc Spoon. Each party have their downfalls. I happen to belong to the best one.

My husband and I are both democrates. He is pro life and I am pro choice. That does not make me less Christian. We ALL have to answer to the Lord in the end. I believe the Republicans have MORE to answer for than the Democrates.

gObama 08

Keith D. Witherspoon said...

All I was trying to say is that both parties have their downfalls. For all have sinned (not just Democrats) and have fallen short of the glory of God.

I did not comment on this post to be insulted!!! I thought that this was a thought provoking dialogue, where we could differ in opinion and still remain Christian!

And by the way my name is spelled Keith.

Pastor W.L. Pullam said...

Ditto to what Doctor "Spoon", said, can't really say it any better than that.
Even a very minor glimpse at American history will certainly support the fact that the democratic party is and has been a praty "of the people", "by the people" and "for the people." Trust me, when you have actually lived in the era or "colored only", "segregated schools", etc., you have a totally differnet view of the real realaties of life and exactly what the Republican party has and has not done for people of color. But, as democrats, we totally respect the rights and views of others. But, my brother, we do take issue with any attempt or suggestion that we are all "wrong" for casting our support behind and to the democratic party.
As pastor Witherspoon has suggested, our hope, trust and faith is in the Lord but we accept the fact that the political process is for real and because of our Democratic Republic we have rights and freedoms that the Republican Party would never have voluntarily granted. But again my brother, we respect your right to believe what you believe and vote as you desire. But please refrain from the "social conservative" label for all of the rest of us. As me and my house our label is "Christian" (follower of Jesus Christ), and this is the only label that really matters.
Finally, I encourage you to read and seriously study the history of the civil rights movement and the history of both major political parties. If you seriously and sincerely do this I really beleive that you just might "get it."
God bless you my brother.
By the tie of Calvary,
Pastor W.L. Pullam

Vietta P's two cents worth said...

Keith, Does this mean I can't call you Doc Spoon anymore? What do you prefer?


Pastor Lance A. Mann said...

I want to state for the record that I am in total agreement with Dr. Spoon. The truth of the matter is that both political parties have some dirt on their hands in the way their integrity has been compromised by their desire to be in charge.

While it is totally true that the Democratic Party are supporters of gay rights, same-sex marriages and abortions to name a few, and they are the most liberal and accepting group in the union. I do not agree, as a lifelong registered Democrat,totally with all of their beliefs.

But be not fooled, the GOP, when it comes to the conditions and afflictions of blacks in America, have been at the helm of some of the most heinous and egregious acts ever performed against an oppressed people. This is indeed the same people who felt and still feel that black in these yet United States of America, is a permanent social and economic under-class. These are the same folks, who try to appeal to the natural generosity and good hearted characteristic of our people, with gifts and smiles and promises, but as soon as we turn our backs, we are again relegated to second-class status.

This same party has even gone so far as to invoke our God to bring damnation and destruction to another child of God, Barack Obama, just because he is black and they want to portray him as Arabic and non-Christian to elicit fear throughout this country and incite people to speak out on what they have always believed but would never say.

Be clear, we should not be engaging in rhetoric, as followers of the way, that will suggest that God is apart of one party and against another party. The issues that we are arguing about are not essentials: which are the things that you believe and I believe that makes us Christians and determine if we make it into heaven. So please let us keep that in mind and remember, we are not voting God into office, but we are voting in an earthen vessel, who has faults and frailties.


Pastor A. A. McGhee said...

Can we all just get along? Let's just agree to disagree and leave it at that. This late in the game, I'm sure we all are pretty set in our convictions and the more we debate, the more stubborn we become.

I've been a democrat long before I knew Obama's name but I'm not looking for him to do what only God can do.

Let's vote on November 4, besides whoever wins the White House won't turn it into God's House.

Anonymous said...

Cyrus the Great is the Emperor who captured the Babylonian Empire, and afterwards decreed that the Jews could go back to Judah and rebuild the Temple at Jerusalem, sometime after 539 B.C.

Cyrus, being a pagan, worshipped many gods. He came from a culture that practiced abortion or infanticide (killing unwanted babies by exposure to the elements), and probably some form of human sacrifice.

Homosexuality was made popular by the Greeks, but was by no means confined to them. Cyrus knew of it and it was practiced in Persia and in Babylon after he took over.

Now listen to what God calls a man that never knew Jesus, never accepted Jesus, and did not live according to our narrow rules of what we think is right:
“…Cyrus…is my shepherd and will accomplish all that I please…” (Isa. 44: 28, NIV).
“ This is what the LORD says to his anointed, to Cyrus, whose right hand I take hold of to subdue the nations before him and to strip the kings of armor, to open the gates that will not be shut: I will go before you and will level mountains; I will break down gates of bronze and cut through bars of iron. I will give you the treasures of darkness, riches stored in secret places, so that you may know that I am the LORD God of Israel, who summons you by name (Isa. 45:1-3, NIV).

If God called Cyrus his “shepherd” and His “messiah,” (the Hebrew word for “anointed”), and Cyrus never heard of Jesus, don’t you think he can use Barack Obama who is a Christian? (Maybe he is not your kind of Christian but then maybe you are not his kind either).

If God could use the ignorance and ineptness of George W. Bush to get America into this economic mess and into a costly and unnecessary war, why can’t he use the intelligence and ability of Barack Obama to get us out of them?

What we are going through now in America in our financial markets is as much the judgment of God as the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. He is sending someone to show us the way out. How dare we reject God’s deliverer based on such flimsy claims!

The fight is always about economics and theology. The question is, “will your understanding of God permit you to enslave, destroy, and exploit other people?” People from the "Conservative Right" say God has called them to do it. I disagree.

God is niether Republican nor Democratic, and He is not an American. Contrary to what many people think, God is not a rich white Rebulican.

Jesus is not running for president of the United States and America is not the Kingdom of God. This country is a democratic republic and we are voting for a president of this democratic republic.

The purpose of a democratic republic is to allow all of the people in it to experience the greatest personal freedoms possible without encroaching on the libeties of other.

This has been the fight in this country from its inception: who is a human person and who deserves to be free.

The Civil War was basically a church fight between those Christians whose narrow “Pharisee-like” view of the world allowed them to believe that God had ordained them to own other people, and those Christians who had a more prophetic view of human personality, and who could see that slavery was evil from the root to the fruit.

God used whites in the Church, opposing each other, and on either side, to bring the judgment of the Civil War upon America which resulted in freeing the slaves.

The fight is always about economics and theology: whose God will allow them to be the master and enslave the others.

Republicans seem to believe that Jesus died on Calvary so they could be the master of others. (This is "Conservative-Right" theology in a nutshell).

The Republican Party has billed itself as the party of family values and Christian morality.

When I hear this I wonder what family and what values do they have in mind.

They have never put forward polices that support familes, except to tell us that God is against abortion. I already know that.

Don't just tell me that God is against abortion, show me that God is for a job so that I can support my family. Republicans, "Stop shipping jobs overseas and then telling me to "get a job," and sending all the men either to unneccessary wars or to prison on false charges, and then telling my sister not to have an abortion."

I cannot understand how Republicans can have so much concern about an unborn baby and no concern for a child that has already been born and is trying to live.

Your party says "no" to everything that will help people: "no" to jobs, "no" to education, "no" to housing, no to healthcare, "no" to small business. But when it comes to the "fat cats" who want 450 million dollar "golden parachutes, the Republicans always say "Yes."

Although Abraham Lincoln, a Republican President, relunctantly signed the Enmancipation Proclamation, the Republican Party has spent the years since 1865 wearing itself out to re-enslave African-Americans and to hinder any social progress that they have made.

It is Republican ideology that has endeavored to exploit every nation, tribe, and people group on the face of the earth from supporting Apartheid in South Africa to the Iran-Contra debacle.

There is absolutely nothing Christian or moral about Republican policies. This party is a front for racism, bigotry, and the hedgemony of people of the Aryan nations.

God is not an invention of the American Conservative Right. We must remember that. He pre-exists them and He will not fit into their box.

God is in love with justice.

DrLKing said...

Great subject.
We are first and foremost Christians, disciples, followers of Jesus Christ. Therefore, the Bible is our rule and guide on all matters. In the Scriptures we have everything we need that pertains to "life and Godliness".

A subtle trick of the enemy is to cause the people of God to focus on certain individual sins like homosexuality and abortion (which God condemns.

However a close reading of the Old Testament especially the prophets will show that God is equally appalled and disgusted by social, systemic, and institutional sins like racism, injustice, mistreatment of the poor and marginalized, and failure to properly compensate workers, and especially empty ritualistic religious practice void of Spirit and truth.

The sin that God reserves his most withering rebukes for in the Bible is "pride". The Bible says, God resists the proud..." This verse literally means that because of pride, God will become your personal enemy; this is said of "no" other sin in the Bible.

When was the last time you saw anyone get put out of Church for pride?

So what do we have politically? One party seems to focus on individual sins to the neglect of social sins, while the other party seems to focus on social sins to the neglect of individual sins.

As it is in most cases, the Word of God is balanced, condemning all unrighteousness and lifting up a Godly standard of holiness that applies both individually and socially.

The same God who said, "Thou shall not commit adultery" also said "Love your neighbor as yourself".

God doesn't ride elephants or donkeys but he sovereignly uses whomever HE wills to accomplish his purposes. That's why we are commanded to pray for all leaders secular and Spiritual.

Mrs. Moore said...

Lol looks like you made some people upset too but I'm still learning I don't really have a side yet I just for the president that will protect and help educate my son and support me in leading him the right direction... I Love You keep standing up for what you believe in...


First of all, I would like to Thank You Pastor for visiting my blog.

Secondly, my comment. I am caught up in that being social conservative you would think I should be a republican based on conservatism but I understand that my race has for the most part been short changed by this party but a majority of their beliefs line up with my Christian beliefs. I guess that I'm from the generation that my parents were Democrat so I guess that makes me Democrat it is a tough mold to be in and especially now with Barack Obama. My parents use to always say as a black race we have always done better with a Democrat in office. But history tells me that we as a Black Race at one time were Republicans during the time of George Washington in office, you know why it was acceptable then to be a Republican because we wanted to be free slaves. The enemy is beaten us down with politics, no matter which party you chose if you get close enough you will begin to smell the stinch. Guess I really have no choice but to pick from the two of the lesser evils. Situation tells me to vote Democrat.

My Brother/Pastor we need brilliant minds that Think like yours.

GOD Bless you and yours!!!


Sorry, I said George Washington freed the slaves, it was Abraham Lincoln. It was a republican, just trying to be politically correct.

Mrs. Moore said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ronald said...

I must say what a thought provoking discussion and what a necessary one at that. However, I must agree with Dr. Pastor Keith D. Witherspoon (Spoon) he’s right his response was delicious. There is indeed blood on both the hands of Republicans and Democrats.

Moreover, I do not believe that we will every legislate righteousness in North America but I do believe there is still hope for her but that hope is contingent upon the called out community that Jesus Christ established; the church. It is indeed time for God’s people to stand up and be what God has called us to be and that is the church.

Long time Democratic supporter,

Fitts said...

The host of this blog does not endorse personal attacks towards commentators on this post. We can have healthy exchanges without personal attacks

Mrs. Moore said...

How do I say what I need to say without pissing people off let me think umm. theres no way truthfully when it all comes to a head we'll find out there's alot of conservative voters(confused) focused on skin color and FANCY TALK and not whats right which is our rights our childrens future I'm starting to question whether people even care about anything but themselves don't be so focused on the craziness these people running are nothing but talk on both sides things sound good to the uneducated ear one trying to out talk the other what the heck type of people our we choosing to run our country all these people making decisions based on their selfish wants in thats the reason why we're in this mess in the first place having children irresponsibily knowing we can't take care of them or shouldn't even be having them in the first place left to raise themselves yet we're crying when something dramatic happens like we're visiting them in jail ACCOUNTABILITY STOP making decisions now based on our wants and needs not even really thinking about our childrens future the other day I was at the Dr.'s office and there were so many young girls in there having babies still babies themselves not bit ready to take care of a kid and the responsibility it in tells could barely take care of themselves you can't even take a bath without your mom telling you but your going to give birth to the next gang member, cell mates, and etc having babies for another persons affection not even really caring about how they turn out once the man leaves and we wanna blame society instead of looking back and taking responsibilty for who you are or who you were as a parent that made them what they are today my 22 month old is better suitable to pick a president than some of you people voting based on a skin color that's sad be careful of that you know how it is some African American's get a little power and go CRAZY and placing a based on FANCY WORDS that you know this man will never ba able to produce is even sader the way I see it is I'm old enough to take care of myself and understand whats going in the World but my son is still a baby depending on mommy and daddy to do whats right for his future CONSERVATIVE huh I don't mind that label it's better than being a person who in the end knows a color made there decision for them or I was to selfish to think further into the future of my children and their children the mess we're in now will only get worst if a person not suitable for the job gets elected do your RESEARCH alot of these comments on my brothers blog sound like nobody's really thinking just a bunch of back and forth conflict with a few good points sprinkled in there wow and this is what my child has to grow up in I for one don't want to raise and love my child to have another selfish uncaring woman's child take his life away think before you vote who and what does this person believe in don't walk in the voting booth blind me myself I'm taking God he knows what we need and he know it's time for a change a SERIOUS change Stop sounding like the electees and actually take a stand instead of jumping on the band wagon life is life everybody makes mistakes but it has to STOP somewhere...

Mrs. Moore said...

Sorry Bro just being honest I get tired of people playing the blame game...It's ok to disagree I'll always Love You talk to you soon and keep me in your Prayers theres always room for improvement

Vietta P's two cents worth said...

Mrs. Moore, as a Mother of three grown Sons who raised them in an era with far less opportunities, advantages and doors opened to us, I feel your pain and overwhelming concern for your child. I think your issue should be on the comment page of another blog subject. But since you are here and have expressed this. I would like to ask Pastor Fitts for permission to address this sister.

The Democrats nor the Republicans have nothing to do with irresponsible parenting. My great great grandparents after being freed as slaves began share cropping. They were threatened to be put off the land with nowhere else to go, for not producing as ordered by the land owner. Through long hours in the fields, hardship, flood and ice that would claim the expected crop to make it through another year, they still managed to raise outstanding children. They would turn out to become teachers, nurses and preachers. They had no help from the government or formal training to be a parent. The government protected the interests of the rich white land owner/former republican slave master. The blacks had NO rights. Totally illiterate themselves in this society and as parents, and the government did nothing for them but let the slaves go. They didn't even give them the 40 acres and mule they were promised by the republican government. But, they had God who helped them through it. The same God who is going to hold each irresponsible parent for each child lost. He is not going to judge the government for that.

Why did I get into all that with my former slave relatives? I think parents today have little to no excuse for being bad parents. True even the best parenting can result in one child going bad. But there is a reason for this EPIDEMIC of our kids gone astray. It starts at home.

The democrats and republicans are not responsible for raising our kids. This problem we have with our young people today is neither democrat nor republican, it's not black or white, it is a MORAL and SPIRITUAL ISSUE. BUT, if I would have to give out any blame to a particular party, it would be towards the republicans more than the democrats for eliminating programs that are geared towards children and parents who are struggling to give their children a better head start including better health care. And lets not even talk about the welfare of our elderly and their retirements. Thank you for allowing me to vent my thoughts and opinion. Have a great day.

My "two cents" given in Christian love.

D.A. Thomas said...

I'm not certain if we ever will or ever have had a candidate that is fundamentally and doctrinally what we consider a "Christian." (Please dont' bring up Jimmy Carter, he proved not to be a good example..lol)

It would be interesting for all of us to discuss what we feel are essentials and what are non-essentials of the faith. I have a feeling we'll agree on 99.9%.

However, as I continue to live I'm finding out that these position differ due to upbringing, denomination, social context, etc. I think the scriptures are explicit on what we could "the main things", but even at that I find that we miss, as Jesus said, "the weightier matters of the law." We've all experienced persons who have PHD's in "majoring in the minors."

My question is why do we expect politicians to be die-hard Christians? Why the expectation to hold up our principles as a champion for our faith? Why can't we see that they're using us for political gain, like Constantine, like Clement, all the Henrys, and so on? And yet here we are chanting that somehow one of these parties is the devil's playroom while the other has a halo over its head. I can't see it! Too many flaws in both of them call my vote a "Christian" vote.

Joyfulsister said...

Aloha Pastor Fitts..
Thank you for your visit and words of encouragement.
As I read your post I now know why I consult the Lord daily to give me wisdom, and for the holy spirit to reveal to me about the choices I will have to make when it comes to voting. May the Lord have his way and may we continue to keep our country in prayer even more so now during these elections.

Blessings Lorie

D.A. Thomas said...

I responded to you on my blog twice, Pastor. I promise that sit down is coming soon.

D.A. Thomas said...

I responded to you again...maybe for the last time on this post I don't know...those responses are so long that they constitute a sit down and a meal...LOL!


To Mr. Fitts

You write that : Can we, who are representatives of the Kingdom of God, go to the voting booth and in good conscience cast a vote for someone who’s values are so radically different from the values of the Kingdom of God?

The voting is the tool to place an administrative machinery to look after the social wellbeing of the people of a particular region. Where as Religion (Dharma, as it is called in Sanskrit language) is basically attached with the personal salvation. No one can help in a greater way getting another person his/her salvation, the ultimate freedom as Buddha said. It is the person himself/herself who will have to do the journey.

Naval Langa

Anonymous said...

It might not be as simplistic as you want to make it. Yesterday, Colin Powell sided with Obama and endorsed him as the next president of the U.S. Maybe his endorsement can serve as an education to us all that the presidential election is not about 1 or 2 issues. It also throws a monkey wrench into the theory of some who say that African American people are voting for Obama simply because he is an African American. Surely those who thought this would not say that about the former secretary of state, a Republican, Colin Powell.